Tuesday, January 31, 2012

For the Love of Teaching

I taught my first Intro to Yoga class last night at Health Impact, and it really made me realize why I love teaching this beautiful thing called yoga. It was a small group of 8, but it was just what we all needed I think. We laughed, we joked, and we still found our zen. They were so fun and I know that I will look forward to my Monday night classes with them! I woke up this morning feeling pretty exhausted, like maybe I had emptied my prana bucket a little too fast and too soon, and was not so enthused about my Power Yoga class. But the second I walked through those gym doors and saw the 2 regulars that always show up on Tuesday mornings smiling at me and hilariously flexing their "yoga arms" at me, I knew that I could get through this hour and have a good time. I truly love what I do. I know it will be exhausting some days, I know I will run low on energy for probably as long as I teach, I know I won't be a millionaire doing this, but you know what? I will be happy! And that is absolutely all I could ever hope for in this lifetime. To be happy with and love what I do. My wish for all of you is that you will find what makes you happy and jump in heart first.
Om Shanti,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Being a Pilgrim

"To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.
To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.
To journey, and to be transformed by the journey, is to be a pilgrim."
-Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening

To be a pilgrim. That is how we all start. We set out with the intention of being totally consumed and transformed by an experience or a person. But that is so much easier said than done. When we listen to music, we find the piano and concentrate on that. Or we watch a movie and concentrate solely on one of the actors. Or we go on a run on a beautiful sunny day and are consumed only by the rhythm of our footsteps on the pavement. We do not hear the orchestra as a whole, or see every beautiful detail of the movie, or feel the warm sun beating on our skin and the cool breeze blowing in our hair. Today, I dare us all to experience the wholeness of life. Do not get tunnel vision. Do not forget about the little things. Be totally consumed by this beautiful journey called life, and be a pilgrim who is transformed by it in the most wonderful way possible.
Om Shanti,